Get Legal Representation with Stone & Sallus, LLC

There are times when you may inevitably find yourself in a situation that requires the aid of law experts. In such scenarios, it may be tempting to represent yourself to cut costs. However, legal representation is much more important than you think.

A lawyer’s expertise will come in handy when you want to navigate your way around different areas of law, whether corporate, civil, or personal matters. Having the proper legal representation is worth more than just saving a few bucks; it’s a worthy investment to undertake, mainly because it helps you secure your rights, finances, and reputation by making the right decisions.

Stone & Sallus, LLC

Stone & Sallus, LLC is a team of skilled staff and lawyers committed to meeting your legal needs. We provide services through individualized guidance, support, and advice depending on your circumstances, which are possible by a collaborative effort between the client and the attorney. We value our client relationships and ensure that individuals trust the firm enough to receive the appropriate security and services they need to resolve their situation.

Our comprehensive legal solutions, alongside the expertise of our team of attorneys, will help in reducing your legal problems and burdens. We exercise law as a tool that will help assess the particulars of each situation to ensure that your professional and personal interests remain safe and protected.

That being said, here are the practice areas that we operate upon.

Estate Planning, Wills, and Trusts

Our skilled team of lawyers will aid you in drafting and creating your estate plan tailored to your wishes. We make sure that your directives for asset distribution will be met with utmost convenience. For this, we adopt a systematic and practical approach that helps guarantee clients’ protection from any form of threat while leveraging opportunities at the same time. We assist our clients in gathering all the required information to preserve their asses for future generations to come.

Business Law

We work jointly with clients to assist them in business legal problems and concerns. This includes strategic legal planning, dissolution, sales, formation, expansion, and employment issues. We provide clients with forward-thinking plans to help transition their businesses into improvement and success. Having quality legal representation helps address your business’s current needs while effectively attaining your goals.


Litigation or Dispute resolutions can be the most expensive and time-consuming, which is why a trial might not be the best means to go about it in the first place. At Stone & Sallus, we optimize outcomes of cases while effectively managing the expenses, stresses and time that come with lawsuits. We provide you with efficient and appropriate strategies to help you reach your goals.

Real Estate Law

Stone & Sallus also services a broad range of real estate professionals such as developers, landlords, owners, contractors, agents, and more. Whether industrial, commercial or residential, we can provide legal services regarding formation and conflict resolution.

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