How You Can Keep a Strong and Healthy Spine

The spine is a very important part of the body. It provides support for the upper body where the head, neck, and vital organs are located. It keeps the upper body upright so that we can be able to stand, walk, and do various things properly.

But as we age, our spine can deteriorate just like every other part of our body. It can weaken and can get damaged, especially if we do not take the necessary steps to take care of our spine.

How You Can Keep a Strong and Healthy Spine

1) Avoid slouching

Slouching has a negative effect on your spine. It can bend your spine in an unnatural way and make your back look hunched. It puts pressure on your spine and it can negatively affect and damage your spine and nearby body parts in the long-term. The best way to avoid this damage is to avoid slouching and try to stand up straight in a natural way to keep your spine in its natural upright state.

2) Stretch and exercise

There are various physical exercises that you can do to keep your spine strong and healthy. Some of which are yoga, pilates, and other stretching and working out exercises. Examples of which are general back stretches, lying oblique crunches, posterior stretch, upper abs workout, and more. Doing these exercises regularly can strengthen your spine and keep its vitality in the long run.

3) Avoid carrying heavy loads

When you carry heavy loads in your arms, your upper body spends much energy to support the weight. Carrying heavy loads has a direct impact on your spine, exposing it to stress and pressure. This is why often times, after or while carrying a heavy load, our back would feel tired and sometimes even painful. You can avoid carrying heavy loads by using a push cart or something with the same mechanism to carry such load.

4) Carry loads properly

If you have no choice but to carry a heavy load, make sure that you do it properly. First step is to bend your knees and pull the load closer to your body. Once your secure the load with your arms, the next step is to push your knees upward and carry the load upward as you stand up. Try your best to support the weight of the load with your lower body. Once you stood up, the final step is to keep the load close to your body to avoid any unnecessary pressure on your spine. Walk carefully towards where you need to place the load. Finally, carefully put down the load. If you need to put down the load on a low space, you should bend your knees downward instead of bending your upper body to put it down.

If you are already experiencing pain and problems related to your spine, you can seek medical attention and care from experts such as Spine MD to know how your spine can be treated.